Tips for home buyers
In the very initial stages of the home-buying process. A lot of potential homebuyer's will start viewing homes online and visiting open houses that are way out of their budget. Lets face it! Freshly renovated, higher-end properties are a hell of a lot more exciting to look at and visit than your average home.
But unless you can afford to shop in that category, I strongly suggest you don't do it!
If you fall in love with a certain level of finishes and amenities, and start imagining yourself living in those homes. You just might be setting yourself up for dissapointment and a broken heart when you finally do get around to visiting the properties you truly can afford.
Instead start by visting properties which are at the low end of your home-buying budget, because you just might find a home that could be a gem with a few minor renovations and you'll have the money to do it. Or if not, the homes you visit near the top of your home buying budget will certainly be more appealing, and you won't have a feeling of settling for less than what you originally hoped for.
Posted: March 25, 2014